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Thursday, 7 April 2011



I have finished developing the logo and changing all of the PowerPoint slides to a jpeg and it was very effective and worked really well because when you when on my blog you could click on the image and come up as the size of a PowerPoint screen so you could have images and text clearly.

The blogger works really well to show your work on the net so any one in the class can view it comment on it. The bad thing about this is that anyone can look at my blog so any person from anywhere so they could comment on my work these could be offensive language so I need to report to my teacher (Mr. Thomas) about the comment and he will deal with it for me.

The other good thing about blogger is the design on there too like you can design your blog add gadgets and useful things that are beneficial for me. I used the program Macromedia Fireworks 8 as my program of choice to re design a company’s logo which I chose Sony to re-design
And since I’m advanced at this program I finished the redesigning on schedule.

I used the Books provided by the teacher (Mr. Thomas) and type up on bloggger as a post the global responsibilities that companies have and how they resolve this E.g. Carbon Footprint, Fair Trade and other responsibilities that a company way have.

To find out the printing techniques I went to the cd rom program and then selected graphic products after clicking this it there are info for offset lithography and what CYMK is. All this info was very useful which I put the info into my own words and DID NOT COPY AND PASTE THE INFO other wise if I did and put it on my blog then I could be prosecuted for copyright theft because every one can view my work.

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